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SKYCTC Learning Commons

Learning Commons Services and Resources

This is a guide to the SKYCTC Learning Commons services and resources. Find the services and resources in the yellow tabs below.

Tutoring and Study Help at SKYCTC

Our specialists and tutors are available in the Learning Commons, as well as by phone, email, and online, to help students be successful in their classes. Use the information below to contact them.

Schedule an appointment with a tutor

For help with Math, Writing, AccountingBIO 112, CIT 105, Advanced CIT (Not 105), FYE, or Technology, click on one of the gold buttons below. If you need writing help for your ENG101/IRW100 cohort classes, please scroll down to the next section.

Please use your KCTCS email when scheduling appointments.

Schedule an in-person appointment with a tutor 

In-person appointments are scheduled at the Main Campus in the Learning Commons, Building L, Room 119.

Schedule a Virtual appointment with a MATH tutor

Schedule a Virtual appointment with a tutor (NOT MATH) 

Virtual appointments are scheduled via Microsoft Teams.

The Learning Commons offers In-Person and Virtual tutoring for:

  • Writing (papers, essays, speeches, citation help, etc.)
  • Math (MAT 61, 100/150, 110, 116, 126, 146, 150, 155, 205, 206, STA 220 and Calculus (MAT 175, 185, 275 & 285)
  • Accounting (ACC 201 or 202)
  • BIO 112 (Intro to Biology)
  • Computer and Information Technology (CIT 105 or 111 - tutoring may be available for other CIT courses)
  • FYE (First Year Experience)
  • Technology Help (Blackboard navigation, online course materials, basic computer usage, Microsoft/Office 365 (Word, Excel, PPT), KCTCS App, KCTCS email, Student Self-Service, and more)

Get help with ENG 101 and IRW 100

For students enrolled in both ENG 101 and IRW 100, click on one of the gold buttons below to schedule an appointment with a Writing Coach. If you are NOT taking IRW 100, please use the gold buttons in the box above to schedule a tutoring appointment with a writing tutor.

Please use your KCTCS email when scheduling appointments.

Schedule an in-person (Main Campus) appointment with a writing coach

Appointments at the Main Campus are scheduled in the Learning Commons, Building L, Room 119.

Schedule an in-person (Glasgow Health Campus) appointment with a writing coach

Appointments at the Glasgow Health Campus are scheduled on Mondays in Builidng C, Room 300.

Schedule a Virtual appointment with a writing coach

Virtual appointments are scheduled via Microsoft Teams.

Writing and Reading Resources

Math Resources

Science Resources

How to Succeed in Online Classes