The SKYCTC Learning Commons has a physical location on the main campus in Building L, Room 119. All services are available in-person and virtually during our business hours. Virtual services may be extended outside of these hours in order to provide additional support during evenings and weekends, or students can contact the Go KCTCS! Student Service Center for technical help with passwords, print accounts, and Blackboard, as well as connecting with other service areas and departments.
Online resources are available 24/7 from any internet connection. Single Sign-on prompts off-campus users to login with their KCTCS email and password to access these online resources. Single Sign-on allows students, faculty, and staff a seamless path to services and resources. User accounts can be accessed and managed via the user account setup page on the website.
Students ask questions, make appointments, and get help contacting other service areas and departments via the online Ask a Librarian or Tutor page. By selecting the appropriate link on the Ask a Librarian or Tutor page, students can send service requests to the Learning Commons’ librarians or tutors, who respond based on their service areas.
Walk-in students access services and support at help desks at each of our campuses. Help desk staff refer students to librarians or tutors for further assistance with understanding and completing assignments, developing study skills, taking proctored exams, and researching library and learning/information resources.
Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College (SKYCTC) students, faculty, and staff may borrow books, videos, and other materials from the Learning Commons.
Borrowers: Students currently enrolled in any SKYCTC course(s) and current employees (faculty and staff) have full borrowing privileges.
Library Cards/Checkout Requirements: SKYCTC students, faculty, and staff must provide a valid photo ID to check out materials. The following are acceptable forms of ID:
Loan Periods and Item Limits:
Renewing Libray Materials: Renewals can be made in person at our help desks, by phone, or online through the library catalog as long as another student or employee hasn't requested the item.
Returning Library Materials: Materials should be returned to a Learning Commons staff member at one of our help desks.
Overdue and Lost Materials:
Public Computers: The Learning Commons provides a number of computers for student use and wi-fi Is available to connect personal devices to the network.
Laptops: The Learning Commons has laptops that may be borrowed for two-hour in-library use only.
Printing: Students get 500 pages to print for FREE per year, a $25 value ($0.05 per page). Black/white printing only from public computers on campus. To help students be aware of their printing a “Paper Cut” icon will be loaded to the computer desktop that shows the amount remaining in their print account. If a student uses all of their free printing, they can purchase a Top-Up Card ($1 = 20 pages, $5 = 100 pages)from the Business Office in building L on the main campus. Student accounts will reset on June 30th of each year.
Photocopying and Scanning: Photocopying is not available. Students must scan documents to a flash drive or to their email and then print the items. For assistance, please ask at the help desk.
Copyright: For a review of copyright basics, frequently asked questions, and copyright resources, visit the KCTCS Libraries' Copyright Guide.
Food & Drink: Drinks with lids are permitted in the Learning Commons. Food is permitted in the Learning Commons but must be kept away from the computers.
Cell Phones: Cell phones should be kept on silent or vibrate in the Learning Commons. You must go to the lobby, the hallway, or outside to talk on your phone.
Noise: Please be considerate of those studying around you. Headphones are available at the Help Desk for circulation. Study rooms are available for individual or group study.