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First Year Experience (FYE): APA Help

A guide to resources and tools for academic success in First Year Experience and other courses at SKYCTC. This guide is best viewed in Firefox, Chrome, or Safari.

Example APA Paper for FYE and NoodleTools Express Link

Definition of Plagiarism

Plagiarism is using someone else's work and pretending it is yours. Watch the videos to learn more.

What is Plagiarism?

Why does the woman get upset at the man in the video?
She hasn't had her coffee yet.: 1 votes (0.82%)
The man is drinking her coffee.: 0 votes (0%)
The man stole her niece's poem.: 121 votes (99.18%)
She doesn't like the man.: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 122

Definition of Citing

Citing is giving credit inside and at the end of your assignment when you use someone else's work. Watch the videos to learn more.

What Is Citing?

What is one purpose of citing?
Confusing writers and readers.: 1 votes (0.71%)
Helping readers find the sources used.: 129 votes (92.14%)
Plagiarizing an essay.: 5 votes (3.57%)
Copying information from an article.: 5 votes (3.57%)
Total Votes: 140
Which one of these statements is true?
If you buy an article, you don't have to cite it.: 3 votes (2.38%)
All citations styles are the same.: 1 votes (0.79%)
You don't have to cite pictures.: 2 votes (1.59%)
You always need to cite your sources.: 120 votes (95.24%)
Total Votes: 126

APA Style Citations

What does a basic in-text citation usually include in APA style?
author, date, page: 69 votes (85.19%)
author, publisher, date: 2 votes (2.47%)
title, date, page: 2 votes (2.47%)
author, date, URL: 8 votes (9.88%)
Total Votes: 81

APA Citation for Occupational Outlook Handbook Entry

Author: Specific department

Date: Year of the publish date or update for the entry

Short Title: Capitalize only the first word of the career topic title.

Long Title: Italicize and capitalize the first word of the long title Occupational outlook handbook.

Government Agency: Name of agency

URL: Use the URL that goes with the individual career topic.


Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2020). Dental assistants. In Occupational outlook handbook

U.S. Department of Labor.


National Center for O*NET Development. (2020). 17-2051.00 - civil engineers. O*NET online. U.S. Department of


APA Citation for a whole edited ebook

Editor: Names of editors

Date: Year book was published

Title of Book in Italics: Only first word, proper nouns, and first word after a colon are capitalized

Publisher: Name of company

For ebooks only: full ebook URL with proxy link at the beginning, like this 


Chambers, J. (Ed.). (2020). Careers in focus: Machining and machinery, second edition. Ferguson.


APA Citation for an Article from a Government-Sponsored Career Website

Author: Name of sponsor or specific department

Date: specific date or update, use (n.d.) if there is no date

Title: Italicize and capitalize the first word of the article title

Government Agency: Name of agency

URL: Use the URL that goes with the article


Employment and Training Administration. (n.d.). What are green careers? U.S. Department of Labor.

APA Citation for Entire Career Websites

If you are talking about the whole website, just put the URL of the home page in your in-text citation.

The Kentucky Career Center has several tools for job seekers, including a job search, a resume builder, and help videos (

My Next Move is a career website for students developed by the National Center for O*NET Development. It has tools to seach for careers by keyword, industry, and interests (

APA Citation for a Page from an Organization Website

NERIS Analytics Limited. (n.d.). 16 personalities: Mediator.

Get Help with Citing

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Taylor Pryor
Main Campus - Learning Commons
Building L, Office 119B

More about Plagiarism and Citing