Why is background information important?
Reference materials, such as encyclopedias and dictionaries, are great sources of background information.
Combines Encyclopdia Britannica and Merriam-Websters Collegiate Dictionary and Thesaurus, plus magazines and periodicals, an atlas, biographies, e-books, and other tools.
Credo Reference is an e-reference database with hundreds of encyclopedia, topical dictionary, and handbook titles. Use Credo to start your research by gathering background information, finding key terms and concepts, and then connecting to scholarly articles.
Watch this short video on how to use this database:
Type keywords in the Library Search box below to search most of the SKYCTC, KCTCS, and KYVL databases to find articles, books, and other resources.
Use your KCTCS email ID and password to access databases off campus.
If you are unable to login, try using Kentucky Virtual Library.
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